Fixing Eclipse Corruption

Fixing Eclipse Corruption

Fixing Eclipse Corruption

  1. Ask for permission to change their password and change it to whatever you want
  2. Logon to vmware horizon with their name and password
  3. Open their vm (if they have multiple it doesn't matter which. The error originates in their user profile)
  4. Go to their workspace folder (usually P:username\workspace and delete .metadata folder
  5. Start eclipse
  6. Go to File -> Import
  7. Select General -> Import existing projects into workspace

  1. Select the first option Select Root Directory and click the browse button next to it and select their workplace folder (might be worth ticking search for nested projects

  1. This should list all the projects in the folder. Just click finished
  2. Close the welcome tab
  3. Select Window -> Open Persepective -> Other
  4. Select SQL Explorer

  1. In the connections tab on the top left click on the first icon in the row which is create new connection profile.
  2. Enter PR_SAIL in the name box and click add/edit drivers

  1. In the box that opens expand SQL Explorer, select JDBC Drivers and select IBM DB2 Universal JDBC Driver and click the edit button

  1. Click on the Extra Class Path tab

  1. Click on Add Jars and navigate to C:\Program Files\IBM\ISWShared\plugins\com.ibm.datatools.db2.2.1.503.v20121002_1809\driver (if that particular select the next closest
  2. Clock on db2jcc.jar and click open
  3. Repeat 17 and add db2jcc4.jar
  4. Click on List Drivers and in the now populated Driver Class Name drop down box select COM.ibm.db20s390.sqlj.jdbc.DB2SQLJDriver (or similar if using a different version)

  1. Make sure IBM DB2 Universal JDBC Driver is still selected (it should also now be ticked)

  1. Click ok
  2. Select the IBM driver from the drop down box and replace the url with the following
  3. Jdbc:db2://sail.chi.swan.ac.uk:50070/PR_SAIL
  4. Enter the user's username and password which you used to logon to the machine (omit the chi). Tick Auto Logon

  1. Click ok
  2. Double click on the new PR_SAIL connection and make sure that it connects ok.

  1. Logoff. Tell them to go to https://portal.sail.ukserp.ac.uk/requestnewpassword (or if a different ukserp replace sail with that serps name. They will need their yubikey during this process.
  2. Ask them to logon to eclipse. Check all is ok and right click on the PR_SAIL connection in the Connections tab.
  3. Tell them to select edit connection profile and to update the password in the dialog box that opens with the one they just selected using the above link.

  1. Done