Identifying if the Frontdoor service has stopped
Identifying if the Frontdoor service has stopped AnchorFrontdoorStopped FrontdoorStopped
FrontdoorStopped | |
FrontdoorStopped |
There are two ways to identify if the Frontdoor service has stopped running.
1 Admin
Section Anchor AdminSection AdminSection
AdminSection | |
AdminSection |
If you are an Admin on the NRDAv2 application you will be able to navigate to the Admin section at the top of the page.
If any of the Frontdoor services are showing Down then you can follow the next section on restarting the Frontdoor.
2 Frontdoor Queue
Length Anchor QueueLength QueueLength
QueueLength | |
QueueLength |
An alternative way of identifying if the Frontdoor has stopped is by navigating to any Dataset and going to the Ingest Rules page.